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The Boggle

The Boggle, sometimes spelled Bogle, is a cross between the Boxer and the Beagle. Athletic and muscular, it is a great choice of pet if you want a companion that is both energetic and brave. As with designer crossbreed dogs, the Boggle can inherit any combination of traits from its purebred ancestors, but generally has better health than either of them. A Boggle that is well taken care of usually lives to about 10 to 15 years old.


The best means for understanding this breed is to profile its genetic parents. The Beagle, one of the Boggle’s two ancestors, is a medium-sized breed that belongs to the hound family. Bred to hunt, it has a strong sense of smell and great instinct. The Boxer, which originated in Germany, is also a strong breed. Though kind-hearted, it is known to be rather distrustful of strangers. The Boggle combines the best of these traits.



Because the Boggle is very active and athletic, it is important to train yours to behave from an early age. The Boggle is smart and not very hard to train, but consistent training is essential. The crossbreed responds poorly to negative reinforcement, so do not be heavy-handed or yell. Stick with positive reinforcement and treats, which should quickly get your pup into line.

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