The loss of a pet can be devastating for anyone. For many dog owners, their canine companions are like family members. Losing your best friend is incredibly painful and can leave you feeling empty and lost.
If you find yourself grieving the loss of your pet dog, know that it’s okay to feel all the pain now. Once you think you are ready to move forward, some steps can help you cope and move forward.
How to Cope With the Death of Your Dog
1. Practice Acceptance
When your dog dies, you may find yourself in denial, and that’s natural. You may be used to seeing your best friend every day, and there’s no way you can ever be prepared for its death. However, you mustn’t avoid the pain. Losing a pet can be very painful, and a natural part of the healing process is to feel all the pain and grief you need to feel to heal.
2. Remember the Good Times

You may find yourself dwelling on the dog’s last hours or days. When you do, remember the happy memories you made with your furry pal. You may want to take out a scrapbook or journal and write about the good times you had with your pup.
3. Grieve in Your Own Way
There’s no right way to grieve, so if you notice yourself having different feelings, you must honor what you feel and do anything you need to cope. For example, some people feel better when they hold a funeral for their pet dog. You may find that writing a letter to your dog helps you deal with your grief. You may also want to write a letter to whoever is responsible for your dog’s death.
4. Allow Yourself to Mourn

Be patient. It can take time for you to adjust to life without your dog. Just know that you do not have to pretend you are doing well. You can be honest about your grief and your pain. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to grieve for your pet.
5. Forgive Yourself
You may feel guilty for not being able to save your dog. Understand that no one could have prevented the death of your dog. You did everything in your power to care for them. You gave them the best life they could’ve ever wanted, so don’t blame yourself for what happened.
6. Take Care of Yourself
It’s vital that you also remember to care for your own needs. Eat healthy food, keep exercising, and spend time with friends and family who care about you. It’s likely what your dog would’ve wanted, too.
7. Remember That You Will Heal
The death of your pet dog is traumatic, and it can be very painful to go through this experience. However, you will survive the loss of your dog. It may take time, and you may want to seek professional help if you continue struggling, but you will survive the loss.
Losing a pet is traumatic and painful. Instead of denying the pain, it’s best to honor your grief, be kind to yourself, and give yourself time to heal. When you are ready, there are ways that you can honor your pet’s memory. You will continue to love your dog, but you can also move on as you remember the love you’ve shared.
Remember that you can always honor your beloved dog by giving love to another one who needs it. You can adopt one or help a homeless dog find their way to a loving home. That can be a meaningful way to honor your dog’s memory.
Should you decide to care for puppies in Indianapolis, let us help. Tiny Paws was created to make buying a healthy puppy easy. Our staff will help you pick the perfect companion. Just get in touch with us whenever you’re ready.